Arthurian Legend
"Once back here I got to thinking - 'how do I get out of this?'
Perhaps the really haunting spectre is that I would have to turn my back on the lake, and the prospect of the sword."
Alan Clark, Diaries - 19th May 1999
Will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the (Euro) light bulb?
The EU has huge ambitions in the field of environmental policy. The EU also manages to be massively incompetent in this field. To give one example, the EU's Emissions Trading System (ETS) is failing on a spectacular scale, as demonstrated by an excellent Open Europe study "The High Price of Hot Air", published in September. It shows that massive anomalies in initial allocations of carbon credits have created vast and unjust imbalances. Because Germany and other continental countries were generous with allocations, British companies will be spending £500 million a year for the next three years merely to buy permits from the continent -- without any probable impact on emissions. It has been calculated that NHS trusts will spend around £5 million over that period to buy credits, while both Shell and BP can each expect to make around £50 million by selling permits. As Neil O'Brien of Open Europe remarked "Only an EU environment scheme could have the effect of taking money from the NHS and giving it to big oil companies".
Brilliant IstanbulTory!
Millipede was on R4 the other day trying to defend the scheme, saying in his typical nulabour way how it was great that the Givernment got involved in this thing in the first place (after several hundred millions wasted) but how "we" now had to reform the system (thus undermining his first assertion.
Really, he should have been crucified, but somehow the full wrath of the interviewer just didn't descend in a way that would have finished him off. And so he lives to fight another day.
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